Every year at Coolidge Park, the Chattanooga Symphony puts on the annual Pops on the River, with fireworks afterward. In the past we have gone to the park around noon and made a day and night of it. For the past couple of years we have not gone, and I kind of missed it. Burt is not a fan of crowds or traffic, needless to say he does not love it. 150,000 people is not his cup of tea, but he goes because he knows that fireworks are one of my favorite things. Anyway this year we decided to stay on the Aquarium side of the river and it was fantastic. Eventhough there were people there were, it was not like being at Coolidge Park. Daniel, Tracy and Owen went with us. Enjoy!

Today we went to my Aunt Faye's house in Harriman, TN. Most of my mom's family comes. We eat dinner, swim, and have watermelon of course. Most of the time the men stay up in the barn, I can't even tell you what goes on up there, as far as I know it's a lot of lying and trading.

This is my great grandmother-Granny Dunlap
Jimbob, Shannon, Steve, Wally
Aunt Faye, Aunt Marie, Uncle Tommy, Uncle Dick, Uncle Johnny and Granny
It looks like my kind of Fourth with the big three: fireworks, family, and food.
I'm glad Owen made it through the fireworks. Maybe next year he will be more excited. Did I mention that he's asked about "the fireworks" pretty much daily for the past two weeks?
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