Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Triple Play

So, today we signed up for the comcast triple play, which is cable, internet(yea!!!)and phone for one low price. So far I love it. I am most excited for the DVR that we replaced our old box with. I finished my crocheting project, but it turned our to be nothing. It is not even wide enough for a scarf, but hey it was great practice. Burt has started baseball, so that is taking up most of his time these days. That is really not much, but better than nothing


amy said...

i love our dvr. i record most of our shows so i can jump thru the commercials. i also love that i can pause or rewind t.v. in case i missed something! your t.v. watching will never be the same again!

christy said...

Sounds like you need a hobby.May I suggest crocheting.

Nicole Puckett said...

Glad for the update regardless of its content:) When Skype gets a 3-way capability, nothing will ever be the smae!!!

Nicole Puckett said...

Glad for the update regardless of its content:) When Skype gets a 3-way capability, nothing will ever be the smae!!!